
 Knots & Hooks of Hope is a ministry with the mission to make and distribute blankets for homeless teenagers, neck gaiters for students within the Tanana Valley, and prayer shawls for those who need healing and comfort. This ministry is led by Karen Tanner and meets every Wednesday at 6:30PM. All are welcome!

In February of 2021, Knots and Hooks of Hope distributed 2,102 handmade fleece neck gaiters for students to 12 local schools for outdoor play! These were given to students at Anne Wien, Arctic Light, Crawford, Denali, Discovery Peak, Hunter, Joy, Midnight Sun, Nordale, Salcha, Tickasuk Brown, and Weller. In October of 2021, they distributed another 2,500 gaiters to seven schools!

Shout out to Karen and the team of Knots and Hooks of Hope for making this possible!