Jesus Is Greater
Known, Wanted, + Loved
At Summit, we believe every man and woman, youth and child, is uniquely created in the image of God, and each and every one is known by Jesus, wanted by Him, and loved by Him.
Strength in Diversity
When we include what everyone brings to the table, our potential grows exponentially. This is what Heaven looks like!
Extraordinary Generosity
We live to give, practicing biblical generosity with our time, talent and treasure.
Joyful Authenticity
We are transparent in our journey, and we honor who we are uniquely created to be.
We are committed to exceeding expectations, doing all that we do as unto the Lord.
Creative + Courageous
We exist in big vision, dreaming beyond what we can see, and never give up. We are inspiring in our ingenuity, to reach out of the box to see our city for Jesus.
We are purposeful in prayer, victorious in wins, and celebratory in Jesus.